Sunday, May 13, 2012

My service and the effect on the Common Good

There are sacrifices that must be made in order to ensure dignity for all. Although the goal to treat everyone with dignity is slightly outrageous, there is no harm in trying to. In order to work towards dignity for all, we must stay united. We must attempt to make everyone feel just as important and respected as the next guy. That is the key component  for achieving dignity: making everyone feel like they are important and respected as such.  Respect is a trait that is difficult to give. That is the sacrifice, attempting to give people that maybe do not even deserve it, respect. That is the first of many steps to a more dignified world.
This may sound all good in theory, but it has to be put into action. This can be done through everyday activities performed at Mount Saint Joeseph. Holding the door for someone, complimenting them, and other simple things all work toward a society where everyone is treated with the dignity they deserve. And hopefully, this society can eventually be achieved through sacrifice and hard work. And remember, let all the actions you put towards this cause revolve around respect, and the fact that everyone deserves it.


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